Indigo Healing – Inner Peace


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SKU: IH-INPE Category: Tags: , ,


Indigo Healing is small Melbourne business with amazing products.  Tanya from Indigo Healing was guided to make the sprays for her clients.  Made only on a full moon, with the highest grade ingredients, these sprays are designed to lift your vibration to help you move forward in different aspects of your life.  There is only a hint of a scent in these sprays, which makes them great to use anywhere.  What is even better is that when the bottle gets to 1/3 remaining you can fill it up with distilled water to get another use out of it.

Inner Peace

Designed for those that are unsettled, are anxious or depressed.  Inner Peace is designed to bring you to a place of calm and peace.  Spray when needed, taking in a few deep breaths also to make you feel more centred.


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Single (1), Six (6), Six (6) Variety

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