Loveism – Sacred Essence Spray Three Wise Men


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SKU: Loveism-SESTWM Category: Tags: , ,


Archetype Activation Sprays

To honour the soul seasons.  Here to support our best alignment and be of service to our journey.  Sacred Essence has been made in ceremony and are infused with multidimensional medicines.  They contain high grade essential oils, and are all alcohol free.  By mixing the spiritual energies and physical essences they support both worlds.

Three Wise Men
“We are the three wise men from the Orion star.  We come bearing gifts as today a star is born we welcome the star of Jesus”
This Essence will support us in accepting our soul gifts, the three wise men have travelled to bless us and activate the gifts within you.  They also share how important it is to be open to receiving.  As a galactic star seed its a reminder for us to connect with our star magic, which is another home for many of us on Earth.

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Single (1), Six (6), Six (6) Variety

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